List institutes working under the society
- J & J College of Science
- M. S. Bhagat and Sonawala Law College
- I. V. Patel College of Commerce
- C. B. Patel Arts College
- T. J. Patel Commerce College
- V. M. Bhagat & S. C. Sonawala High School
- Smt. Shardaben Patel Ipcowala Primary School
- Dr. Y. R. Patel Medical Laboratory Technology Institute
The Aims and Motives of The Nadiad Education Society:
Our Main aim to give Child Education, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, College Education, Technical Education, Physical Education, Vocational Training, Social Education, Fine Arts, Cultural Activities, Social Services, Medical Services, Medical College as well as medical hospitals etc. The Society will work for the betterment of education in these areas.
Schools, Universities, Libraries, Boarding houses, Playground in Nadiad as well as in other towns of Kheda District.
The Society is also work for financial and other help to the needy and deserving students in the form of scholarships, concession, Prizes, Awards, Certificates etc.
Our aim to spread knowledge in the fied of science, Commerce, arts, Social Sciences etc.
We monitor and manage works such as Collecting funds for above mentioned aims and motives, Establishing, Hiring and buying of real estates and managing money time to time.
The Society is also work for Construction, Caring, Managing, Repairing houses, buildings along with workshop etc.
The Society is free for the entire property of the society of it can be sold, can be removed, can be restructured to maintain, to add, to increase, to expand, to replace, to hire, to motgage, transfer the rights to the other person or intuition to fulfill above mentioned aims and moives.
Management of the Society

Shri Bhupendrabhai B. Desai

Shri Kiranbhai R. Patel
Vice President

Shri Shaileshbhai R. Patel
Vice President

Shri Aditbhai H. Dalal
Vice President

Shri Pankajbhai V. Desai
Invitee Vice President

Dr. Hashit Mehta

Shri Chandrakant P. Patel
Joint Secretary

Shri Parsottambhai C. Patel